Hello there! I'm Gemma, and I couldn't be more thrilled to share my personal gardening journey with you. Five years ago, my family and I took a leap of faith and signed up for an allotment, despite having absolutely no experience in gardening (I'll admit, even house plants seemed to wither in my care!). But today, we stand proud with not one, but two flourishing allotment plots, brimming with an incredible variety of fruits and vegetables. It's been a journey of sheer wonder and discovery, and our mission is to share with the nation just how effortless and rewarding it can be to grow your own food.

Through our GROW CLUB, we are on a mission to help as many households as possible cultivate fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables from their balconies, or gardens. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just dipping your toes into this green world, our GROW BOXES come fully equipped with all the necessary tools and guidance to set you on your own exciting journey of discovery.



Lets grow together...

  • Each box contains everything you need to nurture your crops from seed to harvest.
  • The seeds change each month and are carefully chosen to thrive in the current UK climate.
  • Each box is available for a one-off purchase or subscription (monthly or bi-monthly). 
  • By subscribing you get discounted boxes and exclusive access to our Grow Line (via Whatsapp) for any support you need.